
         The completion of this mini-project has been very insightful to us as a team. Unbeknownst to us, every day we are involving and using data communication and networking. From the personal handheld devices, we use every day, to the infrastructure keeping us as a society connected. This mini-project has allowed us to apply what we have learnt during class and in lab sessions. Allowing us to have a little sense of understanding on what goes on behind the scene of the technology that keep us connected globally.

With our gained knowledge and gratefulness, we would like to dedicate this mini-project to all the individuals who play a crucial role in the realm of data communication and networking. Your efforts did not only shape the present, but also laid the foundation for an interconnected future. From the engineers and technicians who tirelessly work behind the scenes to ensure the smooth flow of data, to the innovators developing cutting-edge technologies that propel our networks forward, your collective contributions are the backbone of our interconnected society. Thanks to your expertise and commitment. Your work is a testament to the power of collaboration and technological advancement, and for that, we are immensely grateful.


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